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Nafs and Desires
Please take a look at the image and articulate your thoughts. Thoughts should be backed up by Ayahs from the Quran and/or Hadiths of the Prophet PBUH. The modern world can be a dangerous place for a weak or uneducated Muslim. Shaytaan has created systems all around us that are meant to distract us from the straight path, confuse us, and make us take other things as our God, including our own self. How does the slogan "Obey your thirst" reflect in the ummah? Do we see people outside of the Muslim world obeying their thirst or their other desires? What happens to a society that is built on following their desires and always being happy? Is making people enslaved themselves to their own desires an effective tactic of shaytaan to keep people away from the deen? How can we avoid traps of shaytaan like this that orient our lives to fulfilling our desires and becoming enslaved to them? Is it possible for someone to un-enslave themselves after obeying their nafs for so long? Why or why not? All thoughts are welcome!
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